Wow, that was a lot of scriptures, and some really good ones too! I especially liked 2 Nephi 28:30:
For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
This is meaningful to me because I've always had a hard time with everything we as Latter-Day-Saints are supposed to be doing. There's genealogy, temple work, emergency preparedness, family home evening, scripture study, callings, journal keeping, home/visiting teaching, self-sufficiency, service... the list goes on and on. And we all only have so many hours in the day! This teaches me that we don't have to master it all at once. Right now, at this time in my life, I'm learning how to raise my family. I'm learning home-making skills, gardening, money and time management, and these skills will help me learn other skills when the time is right. I don't have to know everything all at once, but the Lord expects me to keep learning so that I can improve, and help improve the lives of my family and those around me. It also teaches me that as I strive to gain knowledge and wisdom the Lord will give me more, and increase my capacity to learn it.
And also D & C 88:78-80:
Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;Wow, this one is powerful. What could be worse than being given a calling or mission of the Lord, and not be prepared to meet it? So much better to gain all the knowledge and understanding of everything around us, spiritually and temporally, and thus be prepared for anything that we are asked to do.Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—
That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you.
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