Sunday, January 16, 2011

Knowledge #2

In your journal list talents you have and others you would like to develop. Read Matthew 25:14–30. Learn a new skill or talent that will help you care for your own future family or home (for example, playing the piano, singing, budgeting, time management, cooking, sewing, or child care). Share with your family, class, or Young Women leader what you have learned.

Talents are fun for me to talk about, because I've been blessed with a few, and enjoy them, and enjoy other people's talents as well. Some talents I have discovered in myself are:

love for children
appreciation for beauty

I've learned several new skills recently, but I'll share a couple with you!

2010 was my first year doing a "real" garden. I learned how to start seeds indoors:


We built a new raised bed, and learned a lot of what NOT to do.
Here's the raised bed under construction:

And here it is in August:

I learned a lot, and hopefully will be a little more successful this year. I have a feeling it's going to be a learning process for a long time. One thing that was very successful were the herbs, which we've continued to use through the winter.

Another new thing I learned was how to felt wool to make things out of. We did this for a girls camp activity, and I haven't finished my bag yet, but I'll post pictures when I do. I used this knowledge, though, to make several Christmas presents. They were unique, beautiful, and cost very little, saving our family money:

These were all made from 100% wool from recycled sweaters. They were a really fun project. It was fun coming up with the embellishments for each one. And not only are they
cute, but warm and cozy too!

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